Write Blog Post with Dropbox Paper
My new workflow is using Dropbox Paper so that I can easily write in WYSIWYG style (rich text), and easily export as Markdown. Very convenient.
My new workflow is using Dropbox Paper so that I can easily write in WYSIWYG style (rich text), and easily export as Markdown. Very convenient.
今天收到了一張大概兩個月前的 bill,說我欠款 $30 美金……
➜ /Applications realpath iBooks.app /Applications/iBooks.app ➜ /Applications
茂宜島:陽光沙灘與海,雲海聖山與樹,城市人羣與浮潛,茂宜島 has it all! 瓦胡島的行程參見上篇。
借着 CVPR 2017 的機會,終於去了一趟嚮往已久的夏威夷。主要是參觀了瓦胡(oahu)島以及茂宜(maui)島。非常喜歡,嚴格來說是我第一次去“度假”。美好的自然風光非常愜意。趁在在飛機上有時間,可以寫一些流水帳。
➜ /Applications realpath iBooks.app /Applications/iBooks.app ➜ /Applications
I found that Safari in Mavericks is not using local proxy.pac at all. Turns out because of sandboxing, it will not allow reading file from local. A traditional solution is to turn on Web Sharing, and thus use HTTP to read the pac file such as http...
茂宜島:陽光沙灘與海,雲海聖山與樹,城市人羣與浮潛,茂宜島 has it all! 瓦胡島的行程參見上篇。
借着 CVPR 2017 的機會,終於去了一趟嚮往已久的夏威夷。主要是參觀了瓦胡(oahu)島以及茂宜(maui)島。非常喜歡,嚴格來說是我第一次去“度假”。美好的自然風光非常愜意。趁在在飛機上有時間,可以寫一些流水帳。
最近开始阅读 The White Coat Investor。 之前在网上搜投资理财时已经知道这个作者,并且大致看过他的网站,印象不错。最近准备在 Books 上看一些书,刚好给我推荐了这本。总的来说,这本书算是一本投资理财的入门书,里面提到的东西基本上我都零散地学习过。如今能系统地学习,索性写下一些笔记来加深理解。
HTTP Proxy 与 HTTPS Proxy 的区别很容易混淆。本文通过使用 Proxifier 与 Charles 实战作为一个笔记备忘。
A while ago I came across “Mega Backdoor Roth IRA”, which is a good way to place fund with tax-efficiency. I read a few documents and found that even though there are lots of good materials on it in English, not quite so in Chinese. So I want to w...
This is the third installment in the series in discussing ARK invest’s Big Ideas publication. In the first and second part, I reviewed and shared my read to their ideas from Deep Learning to Orbital Aerospace. I will cover the last four ideas in t...
This is the second installment in the series in discussing ARK invest’s Big Ideas publication. In the first part, I reviewed and shared my read to their the 1st to 6th ideas. This post will cover the next five ideas.
ARK invest has published their Big Ideas 2021 report, which is a very interesting read.
This is the third installment in the series in discussing ARK invest’s Big Ideas publication. In the first and second part, I reviewed and shared my read to their ideas from Deep Learning to Orbital Aerospace. I will cover the last four ideas in t...
This is the second installment in the series in discussing ARK invest’s Big Ideas publication. In the first part, I reviewed and shared my read to their the 1st to 6th ideas. This post will cover the next five ideas.
ARK invest has published their Big Ideas 2021 report, which is a very interesting read.
I found that Safari in Mavericks is not using local proxy.pac at all. Turns out because of sandboxing, it will not allow reading file from local. A traditional solution is to turn on Web Sharing, and thus use HTTP to read the pac file such as http...
SSH Local Port Forwarding
Original Minimum Energy Reconstruction Sparse Reconstruction
Sparse Coding Sparse Coding 可以看做一种 unsupervised learning 的方法,作用是从数据里学习一组 over-complete 的 basis,使得输入数据 x 可以表示为这些 basis 的线性组合。 根据 UFLDL 的说法,这些 basis 可以反映、捕捉输入数据内在的一些规则与结构:
Original Minimum Energy Reconstruction Sparse Reconstruction
I have been using Octopress for blogging since 2013. Octopress is essentially a framework built on top of Jekyll, which offers vast convenient at the time, such as nice themes, automating in publishing to github, etc. I considered Jekyll a bit bar...
After blogging with Octopress for a while, I have already gained some insights on it, and my publishing flow has been smoother. I think it is right time to share my flow as a reference.
I have been using Octopress for blogging since 2013. Octopress is essentially a framework built on top of Jekyll, which offers vast convenient at the time, such as nice themes, automating in publishing to github, etc. I considered Jekyll a bit bar...
After blogging with Octopress for a while, I have already gained some insights on it, and my publishing flow has been smoother. I think it is right time to share my flow as a reference.
I’ve been looking around entry-level watches for some time. Recently, I answered a question in Zhihu (Chinese Quora), and I feel like to transcribe this collection in my blog.
So NOMOS has this awesome looking Bauhaus style watch: Tangente. Apparently everyone wants one, but not everyone wants to break their bank ($2330 USD).
从小家里就给我灌输记账的习惯,一直没有养成,因为懒…… 直到来了美国之后,这个问题神奇地被解决了——因为信用卡普及光并且使用方便,基本上 eliminate 了我使用现金的需求(大多数都是去中国餐馆)。结合理财软件 mint,所有的消费一目了然。可惜自从 mint 被 intuit 收购之后,一直处于维护状态,很多功能停滞不前,很多时候也连不上银行。最近半年开始试用 Personal Capital,发觉非常好用。它更像是一个财富管理软件而不是记账软件。随着资产的积累,我发觉我不再经常 r...
SSH Local Port Forwarding
SSH Local Port Forwarding
I did not realize until my car’s radio’s broken that, with less than a hundred bucks, you can buy a new Head Unit with nearly all functionality. Some note-worthy features include:
I did not realize until my car’s radio’s broken that, with less than a hundred bucks, you can buy a new Head Unit with nearly all functionality. Some note-worthy features include:
This post summarizes some common useful tips in LaTeX editing.
One of the problems that drives iOS user crazy is the user-unfriendly manipulation/syncing of photos in iOS. There are just no easy way to remove photos in batch (though you can delete the entire camera roll in the settings).
One of the problems that drives iOS user crazy is the user-unfriendly manipulation/syncing of photos in iOS. There are just no easy way to remove photos in batch (though you can delete the entire camera roll in the settings).
Debugging AppleScript is easy when you work with the script editor, simply use log to print out anything in the console. However, after you compiled it to an app, this cannot work anymore.
Sparse Coding Sparse Coding 可以看做一种 unsupervised learning 的方法,作用是从数据里学习一组 over-complete 的 basis,使得输入数据 x 可以表示为这些 basis 的线性组合。 根据 UFLDL 的说法,这些 basis 可以反映、捕捉输入数据内在的一些规则与结构:
Sparse Coding Sparse Coding 可以看做一种 unsupervised learning 的方法,作用是从数据里学习一组 over-complete 的 basis,使得输入数据 x 可以表示为这些 basis 的线性组合。 根据 UFLDL 的说法,这些 basis 可以反映、捕捉输入数据内在的一些规则与结构:
Let \(\data\) be a set of data generated from some distribution parameterized by \(\theta\). We want to estimate the unknown parameter \(\theta\). What we can do?
Let \(\data\) be a set of data generated from some distribution parameterized by \(\theta\). We want to estimate the unknown parameter \(\theta\). What we can do?
Let \(\data\) be a set of data generated from some distribution parameterized by \(\theta\). We want to estimate the unknown parameter \(\theta\). What we can do?
Let \(\data\) be a set of data generated from some distribution parameterized by \(\theta\). We want to estimate the unknown parameter \(\theta\). What we can do?
Let \(\data\) be a set of data generated from some distribution parameterized by \(\theta\). We want to estimate the unknown parameter \(\theta\). What we can do?
题记 有感于最近香港要求普选的民运,心中大概有点想法。
题记 有感于最近香港要求普选的民运,心中大概有点想法。
题记 有感于最近香港要求普选的民运,心中大概有点想法。
So NOMOS has this awesome looking Bauhaus style watch: Tangente. Apparently everyone wants one, but not everyone wants to break their bank ($2330 USD).
Just a normal day of going to work. Bang! I got hit by a flying object … :(
Just a normal day of going to work. Bang! I got hit by a flying object … :(
Just a normal day of going to work. Bang! I got hit by a flying object … :(
今天收到了一張大概兩個月前的 bill,說我欠款 $30 美金……
今天收到了一張大概兩個月前的 bill,說我欠款 $30 美金……
借着 CVPR 2017 的機會,終於去了一趟嚮往已久的夏威夷。主要是參觀了瓦胡(oahu)島以及茂宜(maui)島。非常喜歡,嚴格來說是我第一次去“度假”。美好的自然風光非常愜意。趁在在飛機上有時間,可以寫一些流水帳。
茂宜島:陽光沙灘與海,雲海聖山與樹,城市人羣與浮潛,茂宜島 has it all! 瓦胡島的行程參見上篇。
A pretty good review for recsys. Goes over content-based and collaborative filtering (item-based and model-based) approach.
A while ago I came across “Mega Backdoor Roth IRA”, which is a good way to place fund with tax-efficiency. I read a few documents and found that even though there are lots of good materials on it in English, not quite so in Chinese. So I want to w...
My new workflow is using Dropbox Paper so that I can easily write in WYSIWYG style (rich text), and easily export as Markdown. Very convenient.
HTTP Proxy 与 HTTPS Proxy 的区别很容易混淆。本文通过使用 Proxifier 与 Charles 实战作为一个笔记备忘。
HTTP Proxy 与 HTTPS Proxy 的区别很容易混淆。本文通过使用 Proxifier 与 Charles 实战作为一个笔记备忘。
从小家里就给我灌输记账的习惯,一直没有养成,因为懒…… 直到来了美国之后,这个问题神奇地被解决了——因为信用卡普及光并且使用方便,基本上 eliminate 了我使用现金的需求(大多数都是去中国餐馆)。结合理财软件 mint,所有的消费一目了然。可惜自从 mint 被 intuit 收购之后,一直处于维护状态,很多功能停滞不前,很多时候也连不上银行。最近半年开始试用 Personal Capital,发觉非常好用。它更像是一个财富管理软件而不是记账软件。随着资产的积累,我发觉我不再经常 r...
从小家里就给我灌输记账的习惯,一直没有养成,因为懒…… 直到来了美国之后,这个问题神奇地被解决了——因为信用卡普及光并且使用方便,基本上 eliminate 了我使用现金的需求(大多数都是去中国餐馆)。结合理财软件 mint,所有的消费一目了然。可惜自从 mint 被 intuit 收购之后,一直处于维护状态,很多功能停滞不前,很多时候也连不上银行。最近半年开始试用 Personal Capital,发觉非常好用。它更像是一个财富管理软件而不是记账软件。随着资产的积累,我发觉我不再经常 r...
本文首发于知乎,作为《在湾区工作一年大概能攒下来多少钱?》的回答。里面的意见仅代表本人,我不是 CPA 也不是律师,里面的建议不能作为任何报税、投资的客观指导。
As I recently just migrated my blog to use jekyll + github pages, a lot of things have changed. Most notably, the markdown processor is kramdown by default. There are a few gotchas I ran into so I am writing down some notes here.
As I recently just migrated my blog to use jekyll + github pages, a lot of things have changed. Most notably, the markdown processor is kramdown by default. There are a few gotchas I ran into so I am writing down some notes here.
Ray Dalio shares what he thinks about BTC.
Ray Dalio shares what he thinks about BTC.
I’ve been using Cloudinary for hosting my images in this blog for a while. However, I switched to use Dropbox paper to draft my posts, as it offers awesome UI, editing features and can export to markdown without many tweaks to publish as a Jekyll ...
I’ve been using Cloudinary for hosting my images in this blog for a while. However, I switched to use Dropbox paper to draft my posts, as it offers awesome UI, editing features and can export to markdown without many tweaks to publish as a Jekyll ...