Recommendation System Review Permalink
A pretty good review for recsys. Goes over content-based and collaborative filtering (item-based and model-based) approach.
A pretty good review for recsys. Goes over content-based and collaborative filtering (item-based and model-based) approach.
Let \(\data\) be a set of data generated from some distribution parameterized by \(\theta\). We want to estimate the unknown parameter \(\theta\). What we can do?
Original Minimum Energy Reconstruction Sparse Reconstruction
Sparse Coding Sparse Coding 可以看做一种 unsupervised learning 的方法,作用是从数据里学习一组 over-complete 的 basis,使得输入数据 x 可以表示为这些 basis 的线性组合。 根据 UFLDL 的说法,这些 basis 可以反映、捕捉输入数据内在的一些规则与结构: