personal finance

On ARK Invest Big Ideas 2021: Part III

4 minute read

This is the third installment in the series in discussing ARK invest’s Big Ideas publication. In the first and second part, I reviewed and shared my read to their ideas from Deep Learning to Orbital Aerospace. I will cover the last four ideas in t...

On ARK Invest Big Ideas 2021: Part II

6 minute read

This is the second installment in the series in discussing ARK invest’s Big Ideas publication. In the first part, I reviewed and shared my read to their the 1st to 6th ideas. This post will cover the next five ideas.


1 minute read

本文首发于知乎,作为《在湾区工作一年大概能攒下来多少钱?》的回答。里面的意见仅代表本人,我不是 CPA 也不是律师,里面的建议不能作为任何报税、投资的客观指导。

The White Coat Investor 读书笔记

2 minute read

最近开始阅读 The White Coat Investor。 之前在网上搜投资理财时已经知道这个作者,并且大致看过他的网站,印象不错。最近准备在 Books 上看一些书,刚好给我推荐了这本。总的来说,这本书算是一本投资理财的入门书,里面提到的东西基本上我都零散地学习过。如今能系统地学习,索性写下一些笔记来加深理解。

推荐一个好用的理财网站: Personal Capital

1 minute read

从小家里就给我灌输记账的习惯,一直没有养成,因为懒…… 直到来了美国之后,这个问题神奇地被解决了——因为信用卡普及光并且使用方便,基本上 eliminate 了我使用现金的需求(大多数都是去中国餐馆)。结合理财软件 mint,所有的消费一目了然。可惜自从 mint 被 intuit 收购之后,一直处于维护状态,很多功能停滞不前,很多时候也连不上银行。最近半年开始试用 Personal Capital,发觉非常好用。它更像是一个财富管理软件而不是记账软件。随着资产的积累,我发觉我不再经常 r...


1 minute read


Backdoor Roth IRA and Mega Backdoor Roth IRA

1 minute read

A while ago I came across “Mega Backdoor Roth IRA”, which is a good way to place fund with tax-efficiency. I read a few documents and found that even though there are lots of good materials on it in English, not quite so in Chinese. So I want to w...