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On ARK Invest Big Ideas 2021: Part II
6 minute read
This is the second installment in the series in discussing ARK invest’s Big Ideas publication. In the first part, I reviewed and shared my read to their the 1st to 6th ideas. This post will cover the next five ideas.
Goodbye Octopress. Hello Jekyll.
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I have been using Octopress for blogging since 2013. Octopress is essentially a framework built on top of Jekyll, which offers vast convenient at the time, such as nice themes, automating in publishing to github, etc. I considered Jekyll a bit bar...
Notes on Maximum Likelihood, Maximum A Posteriori and Naive Bayes
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Let \(\data\) be a set of data generated from some distribution parameterized by \(\theta\). We want to estimate the unknown parameter \(\theta\). What we can do?
Debugging AppleScript: print to a file
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Debugging AppleScript is easy when you work with the script editor, simply use log to print out anything in the console. However, after you compiled it to an app, this cannot work anymore.